Building Dreams and Sailing to the Future Together - The 2024 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony of Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology at South China Agricultural University

publishTime:2024-07-01Clicks:14 13times

On the morning of June 26, the graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony for the 2024 graduates of Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology of South China Agricultural University (hereinafter referred to as 'Guangzhou Dublin International College') was held in Ding Ying Auditorium. XUE Hongwei, President of South China Agricultural University, attended the graduation ceremony. XIAN Chunlong, Vice President of South China Agricultural UniversityColin Scott, Vice President and provost of University College Dublinmembers of the Joint Management Committee of GDICFrank Monahan, Dean of the College of Agriculture of University College DublinHenry McLoughlin, Deputy Dean of Joint College of University College Dublin and China; staff and leaders of GDIC; all the faculty members of the college; 2024 graduates and their parents and relatives, more than 500 people in total, witnessed the highlight moment of the first cohort of graduates of GDIC. They have built dreams and will sail to the future. The graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony were co-hosted by the Dean of GDIC, FENG Lixin, and the Provost, Paul Fanning.

President XUE Hongwei congratulated the first cohort of graduates of the College on successfully completing their studies and obtaining bachelor's degrees from both universities. He pointed out that in the context of globalization, GDIC is an international education platform jointly created by the two universities in order to cater to needs of the era by relying on high-quality education resources of both sides, focusing on the field of life science, and promoting the high-quality development of higher education with focus on education, science and technology and talents. In the past four years, the college has always adhered to the idea of 'three aspects of education', prioritized education quality, and focused on cultivating high-quality international talents with global vision, patriotism, social responsibility, innovative thinking and practical ability, who can promote international cultural exchanges and cooperation and lead the future development. The college has achieved remarkable results, with its reputation and international influence improving. President XUE sent a message to the students to take the harvest and progress gained in the Alma mater and the blessing of the two universities and the expectations of parents, keep pace with the time. He put forward two expectations to the students: first, based on the high ground, hold faith firmly, dream as a horse and strive to move ahead. Under the background of scientific progress and technological innovation, keep pace with the times, side by side with the motherland, dare to innovate and practice, and compose a song with firm ideals and beliefs. Second, be down-to-earth, make steady progress, continuously exercise to accomplish oneself. Treat challenges and setbacks with a positive and optimistic attitude, keep learning the whole life, think independently, stick to integrity and innovation, pursue excellence, improve in the continuous exercise to achieve values.

Vice President and Provost of University College Dublin Colin Scott delivered a speech

Colin Scott, Vice President and Provost of University College Dublin, said he was delighted to attend the graduation ceremony for the first cohort of graduates of GDIC to celebrate the outstanding achievements of the students and look forward to the bright future together. He pointed out that University College Dublin attaches great importance to international exchanges and cooperation, and the two universities work together to create an international education environment beyond the traditional, committed to providing students with world-class international education and experience, helping students to obtain a wider range of harvest and achievements in key subject areas, and achieve personal and professional development synchronously. GDIC provides students with many life experiences that are difficult for their peers to experience. It is hoped that graduates will continue to expand their international perspective, establish global awareness, shape global competency, actively participate in global affairs, constantly improve their knowledge and skills, further develop critical thinking and imagination, examine the present and embrace the future.

XIAN Chunlongm, Vice President of South China Agricultural University and Colin Scott, Vice President and Provost of University College Dublin conferred degree on graduates

Feng Lixin, Dean of GDIC extended warm congratulations to the first cohort of graduates of the college and recollected the students' four years of study in the college. He pointed out that as the first cohort of graduates of GDIC, the graduates are not only the witnesses, participants and contributors to the international education of South China Agricultural University, but also the practitioners of the international cooperation between SCAU and UCD, and the ambassadors of the friendship between China and Ireland. He pointed out that those who absorb great thinking from others gain wisdom. He hopes that all graduates will adhere to the motto of South China Agricultural University 'Integrity, Erudition, Practicality, Innovation' and University College Dublin 'To the stars, Fair play'. He hopes students will bring together the greatness of the world and the great essence of spiritual thinking and continue to strive for their bright future.

FENG Lixin, Dean of GDIC delivered a speech

Paul Fanning, Provost of GDIC hosted the degree awarding ceremony

The 2024 graduate representatives, SHI Lexuan from Biological Sciences program, LIU Dengjia from Food Quality and Safety program, and LIU Miyang from Horticulture program delivered a speech respectively on the theme of 'Upward', 'Toward Goodness' and 'Toward Beauty'. They extended their gratitude for the international education platform carefully built by the university and the multicultural atmosphere created by the college, which led the students to constantly pursue 'truth, kindness and beauty' and transcend themselves. They said that they were lucky to be the first cohort of graduates of GDIC. Through four years of study, they have not only mastered professional knowledge, cultivated innovative thinking and practical ability, but also experienced the collision of multi-culture, which have further enhanced their international vision and comprehensive quality. In the future, they will continue to move forward, 'move forward to the good' and 'move forward to beauty'.

Graduate representative SHI Lexuan from Biological Science delivered a speech

(He has obtained recommendation for Doctoral Program at Zhejiang University)

Graduate representative LIU Dengjia from Food Quality and Safety program delivered a speech

(She has obtained recommendation for postgraduate study at South China University of Technology)

Graduate representative LIU Miyang from Horticulture program delivered a speech

(She will go to Wageningen University & Research for postgraduate study)

The graduates of the three programs of Biological Science, Food Quality and Safety and Horticulture sent gifts to the universities respectively, wishing their Alma mater a brilliant future

Graduate representatives sent gifts to SCAU

'I quickly improved my English and became more confident learning professional knowledge in English.' TONG Lingjie from Biological Science program class 2 said that she will soon work in the Market Supervision and Administration of Baiyun District, Guangzhou, and will continue to stick to mind, repay the society with practical actions, and win glory for her Alma mater!

'This year is the first graduation ceremony of GDIC and it is a great occasion for us.' LUO Leyi from Food Quality and Safety program class 2 attended the ceremony with her roommates. She said: 'The college has witnessed the growth and progress of the first cohort of graduates, and I am going to Imperial College London for further study. I hope that I can repay the cultivation of my Alma mater.'

'Come on! Look at the camera! 3.. 2.. 1 '. The parents of ZHANG Jiaqi from Class 1 of Horticulture program held up their camera to record the unforgettable moment of graduation. “I believe that the first cohort of graduates of GDIC will live up to expectations, work hard and write a more brilliant chapter on the road ahead.' He said.

Ride on the winds, the youngsters can expect a bright future! Sincerely wish the first cohort of graduates of GDIC sail to a bright future!

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