The International United College of South China Normal University and Aberdeen Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Visited College of International Education at SCAU for Research and Exchange

publishTime:2023-04-21Clicks:14 10times

On the morning of April 21, Vice Dean Shen Yingshan, Vice Dean Chai Shaoming, Vice Dean Chen Huan from the International United College of South China Normal University, and Vice Dean Li Danling from the Aberdeen Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, South China Normal University along with other three members came to College of International Education at South China Agricultural University for research and exchange. Vice Dean of the College Hao Gang and staff from the Office of Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Education (English Teaching Center) attended the meeting.

On behalf of our college, Vice Dean Hao Gang extended a warm welcome to the International United College of South China Normal University and the Aberdeen Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He also provided an overview of the university's international education, with a focus on the establishment and growth of Chinese-foreign cooperative educational institutions. Vice Dean Shen Yingshan from Aberdeen Institute expressed sincere gratitude for our college's hospitality, presented an overview of Aberdeen Institute at South China Normal University, and commended  international education at SCAU, particularly in Sino-foreign cooperation.

During the meeting, both parties engaged in comprehensive exchanges and discussions on the mechanisms of Sino-foreign cooperative education, quality of education, faculty development, student management, tuition models for joint Sino-foreign programs, and partner institution selection. Both sides acknowledged that this exchange and discussion provided valuable insights into each other's best practices and expressed their desire to further enhance institutional exchanges in order to promote mutual development and continuously elevate the depth and quality of Sino-foreign cooperation in education.

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