College of International Education Held An information Session on Monash University

publishTime:2023-10-17Clicks:14 11times

 In order to provide international students with better consulting services for studying abroad and to help students smoothly go through the relevant procedures of studying abroad, College of International Education invited Monash University to give an information session on Monash University on the evening of October 16. Mr. Zhang Shengquan, chairman of Auhua International Education Group, a partner institution of Monash University in China, was invited to give a detailed explanation to students. Students of 2022 and 2023 programs attended the lecture.

 In the lecture, Zhang Shengquan introduced programs and admission requirements of Monash University in detail, and also explained the application for visas, courses, and accommodations for students.

 This lecture allowed students to have a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of Monash University, and laid a foundation for the successful completion of subsequent studies. CIE will adhere to the 'student-centered' philosophy, strive to improve the quality of student service and ensure the high-quality development of students.

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