Irish Ambassador to China Ann Derwin Visited South China Agricultural University

publishTime:2023-05-12Clicks:14 18times

President Liu Yahong and Irish Ambassador to China Ann Derwin Exchanged Gifts

On May 10, HE Ann Derwin, ambassador of Ireland to China, led a delegation to visit South China Agricultural University. President Liu Yahong met with the delegation of the Irish Embassy in China. Ann Derwin and the delegation visited the university history museum and Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Dublin International College" or "GDIC"), attended the opening ceremony of Guangzhou Dublin International College, and had cordial exchanges with the faculty and student representatives.

Joseph Keating, counselor for trade, commerce, technology and Innovation at the Embassy of Ireland in China, Peter Yang, Beijing office manager of the Irish Trade and Technology Bureau and director of the Irish Education Promotion Agency, Ciarán James Breen, director of the Cultural Office , trade officer Kate Zhang, and relevant personnel of University College Dublin accompanied the visit. Vice-president of South China Agricultural University Deng Yiqun and Qiu Rongliang, relevant personnel of International Exchange Office and Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology attended the event.

 Deepening Sino-Irish Exchange through High-quality Cooperative Education

 Talk at the venue

At the meeting, Liu Yahong extended a warm welcome to the visit of Ann Derwin and the delegation, and expressed her sincere gratitude to the Irish Embassy in China for its long-term care and support for SCAU. She introduced the history of South China Agricultural University as a "double first-class" university, and pointed out that SCAU will continue to strengthen the construction of Guangzhou Dublin International College as a model Sino-foreign cooperative education institution and strive to promote the vigorous development of Sino-Irish cooperative education. "We will also continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with the Irish Embassy in China and Irish universities, continue to expand cooperation space, and make greater contributions to promoting educational exchanges between China and Ireland and enhancing the friendship between people in the two countries." Liu Yahong said.

Ann Derwin said that China and Ireland have always maintained good exchanges and interactions in the fields of trade and economy,and culture and education. ‘Ireland is at the forefront of the world in life sciences, food industry and other fields, and is home to a large number of multinational companies. We very much welcome graduates of Guangzhou Dublin International College, who have received high-quality international education and can obtain an opportunity to start their international careers in Ireland.’ She said that Ireland hopes to continue to expand exchanges with China, promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the agricultural field, and promote greater development in global food security and international agricultural cooperation.  

 Promote the Level of International Cooperative Education

Plant Memorial Tree for Sino-Irish Friendship

   "Welcome to GDIC!" In the square in front of the sixth teaching building,faculty and students from Guangzhou Dublin International College held the national flags of China and Ireland and expressed their warm welcome to the delegation of the embassy.In the southeast corner of the square, both parties jointly planted a poinciana tree which symbolizes the everlasting friendship between China and Ireland.

Opening Ceremony of GDIC

President Liu Yahong delivered a speech

President Liu Yahong delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology. “As the first Sino-foreign cooperative education institution at SCAU, Guangzhou Dublin International College has been established for three years to cultivate senior students with a sense of family and country, international vision and international competitiveness, adhering to the principles of complementary advantages, resource sharing, and mutual benefit and gradually forming a characteristic model of integration, reconstruction and innovation in cooperative education”. Liu Yahong said in her speech that the students of the college are hoped to grow into defenders of international order and world peace, and contribute to global development and human progress.

 Irish Ambassador to China Ann Derwin delivered a speech

"Hello everyone! I am Ann Derwin, the Irish Ambassador to China. I am very happy to come to GDIC!" Andiwen greeted enthusiastically in Chinese. She said that the Irish Embassy in China, the Irish Education Promotion Agency and other institutions will always be committed to supporting Guangzhou Dublin International College and its faculty and students. She encouraged the students to study hard and spend a wonderful and enjoyable study moments at Guangzhou Dublin International College, and grow into international talents recognized by qualifications from both countries.  

Vice President Deng Yiqun, Director of the Exchange and Cooperation Office of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education Li Jinjun, Dean of Guangzhou Dublin International College Feng Lixin, Provost Paul Fanning, representative of teaching staff Dr. Anthony Twamley, and student representative Shi Lexuan delivered speeches at the opening ceremony respectively. Speaking at the meeting, they jointly expressed their best wishes for the development of Guangzhou Dublin International College.

Orchestral Performance by Students at GDIC

Scarfing Ceremony

Ann Derwin and the delegation visited university history museum  

Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology is a non-independent legal person Sino-foreign cooperative education institution jointly declared by South China Agricultural University and University College Dublin in Ireland. According to reports, SCAU cooperated with University College Dublin in 2012 to launch the China-Ireland undergraduate program in biological sciences. In 2018, Sean O Fearghail, the then Speaker of the House of Representatives of Ireland, led a delegation to visit SCAU. In 2019, the two universities formally signed an agreement on Sino-foreign cooperative education institutions. In the same year, Joe McHugh, the then Minister of Education and Skills of Ireland, led a delegation to visit SCAU. In 2020, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology at South China Agricultural University. The College provides undergraduate education, including three programs: biological sciences, food quality and safety, and horticulture, with currently 500 students.

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