Ministry of Commerce Training Center Conducted Investigation and Inspection on Foreign Aid Training at College of International Education

publishTime:2024-04-16Clicks:14 21times

Xu Kai, deputy director (vice dean) of Ministry of Commerce Training Center ( Academy for International Business Officials) and Huang Leyao, deputy director of the Second Department of Foreign Aid Training Management, with the accompany of a group of three, visited College of International Education to conduct investigation and inspection on foreign aid training programs. Dean of CIE Feng Lixin, vice dean Zhao Lihong, and relevant personnel accompanied the investigation and inspection.

Feng Lixin gave an overall introduction to South China Agricultural University to the visitors, especially the achievements in international education and foreign aid training in recent years. He pointed out that SCAU has always adhered to serving the national strategic needs and made every effort to do a good job in all aspects of foreign aid training with a high sense of political responsibility. In the future, SCAU will further coordinate internal and external resources, highlight advantages and characteristics, and collaborate to promote the high-quality development of foreign aid training in education and teaching, social practice, foreign affairs management, life services, tracking and summarizing, and publicity.

Xu Kai pointed out that the main purpose of the investigation is to listen to the opinions and suggestions from various departments on the organization and management of foreign aid training programs, and provide directions for improving quality and efficiency of subsequent work. He said that South China Agricultural University has rich experience in foreign aid education, and has made contributions to telling the story of Chinese agriculture to the world through solid and meticulous work. He hopes that SCAU can further serve the national diplomatic strategy, fully leverage regional advantages of Guangzhou and disciplinary advantages of SCAU which has a century history, and deeply and systematically promote foreign aid training programs throughout the entire chain.

Subsequently, the staff of Ministry of Commerce Training Center conducted on-site inspections of the classrooms and accommodations, and inspected the materials related to 2023 foreign aid training at SCAU. Xu Kai stated that through visits, he has learned about the educational characteristics and disciplinary strength of South China Agricultural University. In the future, he will strengthen cooperation to further enhance disciplinary expertise and internationalization level of SCAU.

Ministry of Commerce Training Center ( Academy for International Business Officials) is the national training base for foreign aid, responsible for comprehensive coordination and management of national foreign aid training programs and foreign aid training programs. Through human resource development cooperation, volunteer services, and other means, it shares development experience and practical technology with other developing countries, helping them cultivate talents.

 As of now, 52 sessions of foreign aid training programs by Ministry of Commerce have been undertaken at SCAU, with over 1000 agricultural management officials, technical personnel, and experts and scholars from over 100 countries and regions including Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Oceania participating in the training. The training programs cover subjects of environmentally friendly fertilizers, crop disease and pest control, sericulture production and management, rice cultivation, agricultural economic management, fruit and vegetable cultivation and post harvest preservation, etc. The quality of training has been highly praised by Ministry of Commerce, Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, and the trainees.

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