International Students Gathered at SCAU to Showcase the Charm of Chinese Culture

publishTime:2023-12-21Clicks:14 10times

Performance at the venue

 On December 18 2023, 2023 'Charming Guangdong, Living My Dreams' International Student Gala was held at the Ding Ying Auditorium at South China Agricultural University. Nearly a thousand international students from 60 countries participated in the gala

 The gala was hosted by Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association, Guangdong People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Guangdong Education Association for International Exchange. With the support of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, it was organized by South China Agricultural University and International Students Committee of Guangdong Association of Higher Education, and was co organized by Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, Jinan University, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, South China Normal University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Shenzhen University, Southern Media Group, and Guangdong Radio and Television Station. Yuan Baocheng, vice chairman of Guangdong Provincial Committee of CPPCC and vice president of Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association, Fu Lang, executive vice president of Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association, Huang Guoping, secondary inspector of Guangdong Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, and Li Fengliang, secretary of the Party Committee of South China Agricultural University, attended the event. Feng Lixin, dean of College of International Education at South China Agricultural University, presided over the event.

Yuan Baocheng, vice chairman of Guangdong Provincial Committee of CPPCC and vice president of Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association delivered a speech

 Yuan Baocheng said that 2023 is the 10th anniversary of the proposal of jointly building the 'the Belt and Road'. As a pioneer and experimental area of reform and opening up, Guangdong has been deeply involved in the construction of the 'the Belt and Road', which will provide more opportunities for exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries. He hoped that international students in Guangdong would enhance their understanding of China and Guangdong during their study, gain knowledge, friendship and growth, and take practical actions to contribute to the construction of the 'the Belt and Road' and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Li Fengliang, secretary of the Party Committee of SCAU delivered a speech

 Li Fengliang stated that SCAU is one of the earliest universities in New China to recruit international students and launch foreign aid training programs at the national level. It is also the first batch of cooperation and exchange center for foreign agricultural training of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Since 1950s, it has cultivated more than 2000 international students from more than 140 countries, and many students have grown into outstanding elites and industry leaders after graduating and returning to their countries. He hoped that international students from various countries would deepen exchanges and gain friendship through the event, and become friendly ambassadors to promote exchanges, mutual learning, and people to people exchanges between the countries, especially between their countries and China in the future, and make contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

‘A Generation Blossoms, Youth Sings in Guangdong’ performed by international students of SCAU

‘Road of Our Dreams’ performed by international students of Shenzhen University

Chinese’ performed by international students of South China University of Technology

 At the event, international students from 10 universities, including Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, Jinan University, South China Normal University, South China Agricultural University, and Shenzhen University, brought various forms of artistic performances such as martial arts, singing and dancing, recitation, choir, clothing display, and sand painting around the theme of 'Youth Dream Together to Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind'. They expressed their love for excellent traditional Chinese culture and Lingnan culture, recognition of the construction and development of China and Guangdong, and wish of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

 After expert evaluation and scoring, three programs from South China Agricultural University, ‘A Generation Blossoms, Youth Sings in Guangdong’ performed by international students of South China Agricultural University, ‘Road of Our Dreams’ by Shenzhen University and ‘Chinese’ by South China University of Technology, won the first prize. Six programs, including ‘Friends from afar’ by Jinan University, ‘The Multilingual Rendition of Shan Gao Shui Chang’ by Sun Yat-sen University, ‘Fill the World  with Love’ by Southern Medical University, ‘Chinese Martial Arts in Guangdong’ by Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and ‘Chinese Kungfu’ by South China Normal University, won the second prize. Eight programs, including ‘The Sound of Youth’ from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and ‘The Moon Speaks of My Mind’ from Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, won the third prize.

Audience at the venue

Group photo  

 'The performances of international students are diverse and exciting, not only showcasing youthful vitality of college students, but also reflecting exchange and integration of different cultures.' Xiao, a 2023 English major from the School of Foreign Studies at South China Agricultural University said. 'When I saw international students performing 'Chinese' on the stage at SCAU, I deeply felt the increasing global influence of Chinese culture. Through this event, I also gained more understanding of the role that universities play in international exchanges.'

 Staff from relevant departments and representatives of teaching staff and students from various universities attended the event.

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