Leaders of SCAU Visited International Students during the Spring Festival

publishTime:2021-02-09Clicks:14 10times

On the morning of February 9th, vice president Deng Yiqun led members of the team led by the dean of College of International Education, Feng Lixin, to visit international students during the Spring Festival. On behalf of SCAU, they extended New Year's greetings to the students and sent best wishes.

Deng Yiqun and his delegation visited the duty room of the international student building, the dormitory gate, and the north and south buildings of the international student dormitory. They talked cordially with international students, ask them about their study and life on campus, fully recognized their contributions to the epidemic prevention and control in the past year, expressed sincere gratitude for their active cooperation, hoping that they would continue to support the development of SCAU, embrace new opportunities and challenges with an optimistic and upward attitude. We also wish the students a happy New Year and academic progress.

International students expressed their gratitude for the care from the university, and sent their New Year greetings to the faculty and all the students through videos. Yuting from Laos said, 'No winter is insurmountable, no spring will not come. May the haze dissipate soon and everyone gather in SCAU.'

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