College of International Education Held the Entrance Education for International students 2018

publishTime:2018-11-09Clicks:14 170times

On September 20, 2018, College of International Education held a special lecture for the international freshman. The lecture was hosted by the International Students' Office, and invited the police officer from Tianhe Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou, Wushan Police Station and relevant college teachers.

The police officer introduced the Chinese laws and regulations related to the life and study of international students, and distributed foreign-related legal leaflets about anti-drugs.

Liu Ziqiang, a teacher from Plant Breeding Department of Agricultural College, put forward 7 suggestions according to How Should Postgraduate Work on Scientific Research. Mr. Liu encouraged the postgraduates that they should make their learning goals clear, study assiduously, seize the opportunities of learning, make use of the abundant resources, adhere to academic morality, communicate with tutors in time, make learning plans as soon as possible and strive to realize the value of life.

The head of International Students' Office introduced the management of undergraduates’ school roll, postgraduate education, management of the students awarded with Chinese Government Scholarship, dormitory regulations, school disciplines and regulations and fire safety in detail. Besides, the officers sign Notification of Drug-related Penalties with international students to remind them to cherish their life and keep away from drugs.

Our university enrolled 45 international students in 2018 including 12 doctoral students, 19 masterstudents, 9 undergraduates and 5 students for Chinese language program.

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