
Application Guide for Chinese Government Scholarship---Chinese University Program of South China Agricultural University of year 2023


 目录 Contents



Introduction to South China Agricultural University



Introduction to Chinese Government Scholarship - Chinese University Program



Supporting Categories, Duration, Instruction Language and Majors 



Scholarship Coverage






Where and When to Apply



Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (CGSIS)



Application Documents



Contact information




Introduction to South China Agricultural University




Situated in Guangzhou, City of Flowers, South China Agricultural University (SCAU) is a high-level university listed in Double-First Class University Program of China. SCAU covers a total campus area of 546.6 hectares, of which constructed area is over 1.39 million square meters. Up to now, SCAU has one discipline - Plant and Animal Science that rank ESI Global Top 1‰ and 12 disciplines that rank ESI Global Top 1%: Plant and Animal Science, Chemistry, Agricultural Sciences, Materials Science, Microbiology, Biology and Biochemistry, Environment/Ecology, Molecular biology and Genetics, Engineering, immunology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and computer science. SCAU is strong in its academic research and well-equipped with research facilities. There are 9 national research platforms, 104 provincial research platforms and 3 new types of think tanks at provincial level. In recent 5 years, SCAU has obtained 12 National Science and Technology Awards covering three major awards: National Science and Technology Progress Award, National Award for technological invention and National Natural Science Award.

SCAU has 3363 employees, amongst which 2276 are full-time teachers (476 with senior title and 952 with associate title). We have 3 academicians and many of our teachers are awarded prominent titles at the national, ministerial and provincial levels. 320 teachers are doctoral supervisors, 895 are academic master’s supervisors and 1314 are professional master’s supervisors. 




Introduction to The Chinese Government Scholarship - Chinese University Program


The Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program is a scholarship launched by China Scholarship Council, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, which aims to fund Chinese colleges and universities to directly recommend talented international students to pursue higher education in China. In order to play the role of the Chinese Government Scholarship in promoting the Double First-Class Initiative construction in Chinese universities, South China Agricultural University is one of the prestigious universities designated to undertake this program to recruit graduate students to study for Master and Doctoral degree.










Supporting Categories, Duration, Instruction Language and Majors 

1. Supporting Categories: The scholarship supports master’s and doctoral students.

2.Duration: The scholarship covers 2-3 years for master study, and 3-4 years for doctoral study.

3.Instruction language: Chinese/English.

4.The details of enrollment majors can be found from this website:









更多信息可查询CSC网站:                  http://www.campuschina.org/

 Scholarship Coverage

1. Tuition and application fees;

2. Free accommodation;

3. Stipend

4. Comprehensive medical insurance

(International travel expenses: self-afforded)

For more details about the scholarship, please visit the website at http://www.campuschina.org/




1非中国籍公民,身心健康; 年龄、学历、语言要求:

2申请攻读硕士学位者,应当具有学士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过 35 周岁;

3申请攻读博士学位者,应当具有硕士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过 40 周岁;




To be eligible, applicants must

(1) be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health both mentally and physically

(2)  be an academically excellent holder of a Bachelors degree or its equivalentunder the age of 35 when applying for master’s programs;

(3)  be an academically excellent holder of a Masters degree or its equivalent under the age of 40 when applying for doctoral programs;

(4) have acquired the Chinese proficiency of HSK Level 4 when applying for Chinese- taught master’s or doctoral programs;

(5)  meet the admission requirements of the university of preference in terms of academic ability, language proficiency and other relevant criteria.






Where and When to Apply

Where to Apply

Applicants shall submit their applications to South China Agricultural University.

When to Apply: The application opens from February 16th, 2023 to March 21st, 2023. 




访问留学中国网站,点击中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统图标进入申请系统。留学中国网站链接: http://www.campuschina.org


录入申请人个人资料。点击【编辑个人资料】开始录入个人资料,逐项完成个人资料的录入,并验证保存。完成个人资料录入后,点击【完成】返回上一界 面,开始录入个人申请信息。申请人须在完成个人资料录入后,方可开始填写申请信息。

选择正确的留学项目种类。请选择“B 留学项目种类,点击【新增申请】按钮,开始录入申请信息。









“B 类申请的申请人最多可向三个志愿院校提交奖学金申请,须对应填写三所高校的受理机构编号,但此类学生实际仅可作为一所高校的奖学金候选人,由三所高校提交推荐时间确定。建议申请人仅填写获得预录取的一所高校,保证后续录取的成功率。

 6 步:申请一经提交,申请人将无法修改个人资料申请信息。申请被受理前,申请人可通过点击【撤销】撤回已提交申请,并进行修改。申请被撤回后,申请人须在编辑后再次提交,否则该申请将无法被受理。申请被受理后,申请人将无法撤回该申请。






注意:建议使用火狐或 IE 11 浏览器,如果使用 IE 浏览器,请去掉浏览器的兼容性视图模式后使用。


Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (CGSIS)

Step 1: Visit “CSC Study in China” website and click “Scholarship Application for

Students” at http://www.campuschina.org

Register an account through [CREATE AN ACCOUNT] and log in with your account.

Step 2: Input Personal Details. Click “Edit Personal Details” and finish inputting personal details by filling in all the information, verifying and saving the information. After the completion of this section, return to the previous page by clicking “Finish” and start filling in your application information.

Step 3: Select the correct “Program Category”.

Please select Program Category “Type B”, click “New Application”, and start filling in the application information.  

Step 4: Input the correct “Agency Number (provided by the preferred designated university)”.

Your Agency Number is:

Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, both are mandatory for online application.

After inputting the agency number, the matched agency name will automatically show on the page. As Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, application processing authorities will not receive your online application if the program category or agency number is not correct.

Step 5: Input Application Information

Next, please move on to the section of “Language Proficiency and Study Plan” and upload “Supporting Documents” as requested, then click “Submit” to complete the application. Check each part of your application carefully before submission. Please make sure that all the information and uploaded documents are valid and accurate.

“Type B” applicants can apply for the scholarship program of three desired universities by providing their respective “Agency Number”. However, they, in practice, can only be the scholarship candidates of one of these institutions, which is determined by the time when universities submit their recommendation letters. Applicants are advised to fill in the university that has offered a pre-admission letter to increase the chances of getting admitted.

Step 6: Once submitted, amendments cannot be made on “Personal Details” and “Application Information”. Before the application is processed by the processing authorities, applicants can revoke the submitted application by clicking “Withdraw” and edit the application. After revoking the application, applicants must submit it again after re-editing, or the application will not be processed. Once the application is processed, the application cannot be revoked.

Step 7: Click “Print the Application Form” and download the form.

Step 8: Submit scholarship application under the requirements of the dispatching authorities (or application processing agency).

Scholarship-awarded universities shall not entrust any individual or intermediary agent to process Chinese Government Scholarship applications. Al lapplicants of accessing relevant information on the official website from the China Scholarship Council (http://www.campuschina.org/).


Please use Firefox or Internet Explorer (11.0).

For applicants using Internet Explorer, please close the “compatible view mode” function ahead of editing.

Please fill in all application information in Chinese or English.





2. 护照首页。如现持有护照有效期不符合要求(护照有效期应晚于 2023 9月),请及时换发新护照。

3. 经公证的最高学历证明。如申请人为在校学生,须提交本人就读学校出具的预计毕业证明或在学证明。

4. 学习成绩单(自本科阶段起)。成绩单扫描件应包括本科、硕士(如有)、博士(如有)学习阶段,直至最近一学期的成绩。成绩单应由就读学校教务处、研究生院或有关学生管理部门开具并盖章。可提供中/英文成绩单,如为英语以外语种,需另提供英文翻译件并公证。

5. 语言能力证明。申请以中文为专业教学语言的申请人须提供有效期内且与相应中文水平要求相符的 HSK 成绩报告。申请以外语为专业教学语言的申请人应根据学校要求提供相应的语言能力证明,如雅思或托福成绩单。

6. 预录取材料。





c.预计来华时间:应明确起止年月,入学时间应不早于 2023 9 ;





7. 来华学习计划。应提交中/英文学习计划(1000 字以上),博士研究生须由中方导师签字,学习计划只可以用中文或者英文书写。

8. 推荐信。提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,内容应重点包含对申请人来华学习目标要求,中方院校或者中方导师与国外导师的合作情况或者校际交流情况,以及对学生综合能力,未来发展的评价,只可用中文或英文书写。

9. 个人作品。申请攻读艺术、设计类等专业者,可通过作品/其他支撑材料上传个人作品类材料(如影像、绘画作品等),亦可按照申请院校要求以其他方式提供。

10.  年龄不满 18 周岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件。

11. 《外国人体格检查表》复印件(原件自行保存,此表格由中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,须英文填写)。申请人应严格按照《外国人体格检查表》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项、未贴有本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师和医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查表》无效,检查结果有效期为 6 个月。

12. 无犯罪记录证明。申请人须提交由所在地公安机关出具的有效期内的无犯罪记录证明,通常应为提交申请之日前 6 个月以内的证明文件。


Application Documents

1.  Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English);

2.  A scanned copy of the Passport information page. An applicant shall submit a clear scanned copy of the information page of his/her passport that will not expire on or before September, 2023. Renew the passport if the requirement is not met;

3. Diploma and certificate of highest education (notarized photocopy). An applicant who is a current university student shall submit the certificate of expected graduation or student status issued by his/her university. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations;

4. Academic transcripts (from the undergraduate program onwards). Copies of academic records from first to last semester during the undergraduate, graduate (if any), and doctoral programs (if any) shall be provided. These transcripts shall be issued and sealed by the attending university’s academic affairs office, graduate school, or student management department. They can be in Chinese or English, but must be attached with notarized English translations if they are in foreign languages other than English;

5. Language qualification certificates. When applying for a Chinese-taught program, an applicant shall provide a valid HSK score report that meets the program’s language ability requirements. When applying for a program taught in a language other than Chinese, an applicant shall provide a certificate of proficiency in the language as required by the designated university, such as the IELTS or TOEFL test report;

6.  Pre-admission documents.

(1) Applicants shall provide pre-admission documents issued by the Chinese university of preference, including an official admission letter, a pre-admission letter, or the invitation letter from a prospect supervisor recognized by the department of international students admission at Chinese universities. The pre-admission letter or official invitation letter shall be printed on the special-purpose letter of the desired Chinese university and issued and sealed by the university’s international students admission office;

(2) The enrollment letter or invitation letter shall contain the following information (in Chinese or English):

a. Applicant information: full name, nationality, date of birth, name of the university last attended, and others;

b. Academic status in China: graduate student or doctoral student;

c. Projected time of staying in China. The study timeline shall be made clear, and the time of enrollment shall be no earlier than September 2023;

d. Information of the applicant’s Chinese supervisor (if any);

e. Descriptions of the applicant’s studies or research in China;

f. Language taught in courses (Chinese or English);

g. The supervisor-issued invitation letter shall be sealed by the department of international students admission and accompanied by the signature and contact information of the head of the department.

7. A study plan written in Chinese or English (no less than 1000 words/characters) The study plan of a doctoral student shall be signed by the applicant’s Chinese supervisor;

8. Recommendation letters. Two letters of recommendation (written only in Chinese or English) from professors or associate professors shall be submitted. These letters shall describe the applicant’s objectives of studying in China, comprehensive abilities, and evaluation of his/her future growth, as well as the cooperation between the supervisors or the exchange between universities both in China and abroad;

9. Example of art. To apply for majors related to art or design, applicants could submit their own works (such as videos and paintings) through “Example of Art/Other Supporting Documents” in the system. Applicants could also provide such materials according to the requirement of desired universities in other ways;

10. Applicants under the age of 18 shall submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China;

11. A photocopy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy shall be kept by the applicant). The form is printed by the Chinese quarantine authorities and can be obtained from the dispatching authority. The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take the physical examination as the result is valid for only 6 months

12. Non-criminal record report. The applicant shall submit a valid certificate of Non-Criminal Record issued by the local public security authority, usually issued within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application.

Reminder: Uploaded supporting documents must be clear, authentic and valid. Applicants are recommended to use a professional device to scan the relevant documents. Applicants shall bear the consequences caused by unclear or unidentifiable uploaded materials.







联系人:朱老师 吴老师


电子邮箱:admissions@scau.edu.cn, ice@scau.edu.cn或登录留学生报名系统http://scau.studyinchina.top/




Contact information:

Mail Address: International Student Office 321, School of International Education, South China Agricultural University, No.483 Wushan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, China,

Post code:510642

Contact person: Ms. Zhu or Ms. Wu

Tel: 0086-20-85280037

E-mail: admissions@scau.edu.cn, ice@scau.edu.cn or click “Scholarship Application for Overseas Students” at http://scau.studyinchina.top/, register an account through [CREATE AN ACCOUNT] and log in with your account.

Web: https://cie.scau.edu.cn/
CSC: http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/




版权所有 华南农业大学国际教育学院


邮编:510642 电话:020-85280035(学院办公室)


